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Important Information regarding Insight for September 2023


 Edulink one



We're excited to introduce EduLink One, our online parent/carer engagement portal. This system will allow all parents/carers to securely access your child's school data, including attendance, merits, strikes, timetables and full reports, and it also allows you to book Parent/Carer Consultation Evening appointments.

Getting started

EduLink is available on a number of different platforms.

Mobile Device



Amazon Fire:


Web Browser

The Edulink website can be accessed using:!/login

School ID - LSS or Postcode - CV213AG 

Login Details

Parents/carers will be provided with an individual login username and password from school in the first few weeks of September.

If you have not received this email by the 30th September 2023, please contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Miss L Frater

Assistant Head








  • Hits: 12854

SEND charter

school logo






Warwickshire’s SEND Local Offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

You can find out more about how the Local Offer can support you and your child or young person by watching this video.





  • Hits: 10245

Art Foundation

Foundation studies 

Art & design   

The Foundation in Art & Design and Media at Lawrence Sheriff School is an exciting course available to post A-Level students or adult learners with relevant experience. The introduction of this course to the Art Departments portfolio is a natural development and a reflection of the broad vision for innovative learning across the school as a whole. 


More about the course:  

The central location of Rugby makes it an excellent place to study a foundation in art & design, with exceptionally good road and rail links to all of the major cities from Birmingham to London in the south and Sheffield, Manchester and Leeds in the North and beyond. Rugby has historically been a Town with a proven track record for providing excellent educational opportunities for young people intending to progress to University or the workplace.   

Throughout the course you will be encouraged to explore a wide range of materials for expressing your thoughts and feelings, this enables you to identify which area of art and design you would like to pursue. On doing so individuals are encouraged to choose a specific pathway which will ultimately take you to the area of specialism identified. Whilst travelling down this pathway tutor support is provided to enable independent learning as the course progresses.  

Entry Requirements 

Prior to entry onto the course students must have achieved a minimum of five A*-C grade GCSE’s (or equivalents) these must include English and Mathematics and two A-C grade A-Level’s (or equivalents) these must include Art and/or Design Technology. Exceptions only apply to mature students with other relevant skills or experience; so long as they can provide a portfolio of work to the required standard.   


Course Content and Progression 

The Foundation in Art, Design and Media is designed for students to extend their knowledge and understanding of Art through the practice of making and historical, critical and contextual studies. The course has a strong emphasis on analysing and researching creative ideas; the introduction to this being through lectures from tutors and visiting speakers.  You will be allocated a personal tutor in stage two whose expertise matches your chosen area of study; this tutor will guide you towards good working practice resulting in the production of a portfolio of work that can be used for interview purposes. Students from Lawrence Sheriff School have been successful in applying for a wide range of courses including illustration, graphic design, fashion, architecture, environmental design, theatre design, photography, film, animation, and fine art including sculpture, printing, painting, ceramics and multi media courses.    


Application Process 

All expressions of interest should be emailed by the end of February in the planned year of study. Once submitted this will form the first stage of the interview process and a personal interview will normally follow. 

All expressions of interest should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lawrence Sheriff School, Clifton Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3AG 

Tel: 01788 542074               Fax: 01788 567962  

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note that this for requires the reference from a teacher, tutor or employer. Deferred places are not given. 



  • Hits: 36428

Welcome to the Lawrence Sheriff website

  • ‘This school is a truly special place’
    Ofsted 2022
  • Curious

    Meta Text

    Interested in learning and asks questions
  • Organised
    Prepared for learning and completes tasks on time
  • Reflective
    Evaluates work and tries to improve
  • Pro-active
    Looks for opportunities to learn and takes the initiative
  • Resilient


    Doesn’t give up and keeps trying
  • Happy
    Knowing you are valued and heard
  • Successful
    Being the best you can be
  • Kind
    Thinking of and helping others
  • ‘Pupils flourish here’
    Ofsted 2022

From the Headteacher

Welcome to
Lawrence Sheriff School

Our vision is that we are a happy and successful school, where students know that they matter, that their voice is heard, and that they can and should achieve their very best. 

Our ethos is that we put people at the centre of all that we do and we do things the right way. We listen to each other even if we have different points of view, we talk to each other respectfully and we always act considerately.

Our aim is that all students find joy at school and that this leads them to achieve well academically. Our students achieve fantastic exam results through a curriculum that stretches them and is enriched. They are challenged to be Sheriff Learners by being curious, pro-active, resilient, reflective and organised; enabling them to confidently embrace and overcome whatever obstacles they may face.

Our pupils leave Lawrence Sheriff School as curious thinkers who have the confidence, skills and sense of social responsibility to make a positive contribution to the communities they join.

Please take the time to explore our website and learn more about our happy and successful school.

  • Mrs Teresa Mpofu Headteacher

  • Lawrence Sheriff School

We are a community that is inclusive and celebrates diversity, and has the highest of expectations for behaviour and how we treat each other. Our Student Council sums this up beautifully in the statement: ‘Fairness, Inclusivity, Respect  - present in your mind, present in your actions.’

  • Sixth Form Science

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Wolf Run!
    Wolf Run!

  • Sixth Form Science


Introducing the
Lawrence Sheriff
Sixth Form

Welcome to the Sixth Form at Lawrence Sheriff School. We offer a wide range of AS and A level courses as well as two BTEC Level 3 qualification in Engineering and Art to the prospective sixth formers of Rugby and the surrounding area.

More information

House System

Discover our School Houses
The house system at Lawrence Sheriff helps create competition, promotes good work and behaviour, encourages teamwork, provides opportunities to take on responsibilities and brings everyone in the school together.

History of the Houses


Everything you need to know about Lawrence Sheriff School

Chess Club


Wear a Hat Day

From Chess Club to GCSE Music to Wear a Hat Day - find out more across this site or in our online prospectus.

Online Prospectus

Wear a Hat Day

From Chess Club to GCSE Music to Wear a Hat Day - find out more across this site or in our online prospectus.

Online Prospectus

  • Hits: 456458

Lawrence Sheriff School Staff

school logo



Senior Leadership Team



Mrs T Mpofu



Mrs N Dandy

Deputy Headteacher - Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attitudes

Designated Safeguarding Lead



Mr A Evans

Deputy Headteacher - Teaching and Learning

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Mr A Bedgood

Assistant Headteacher

Head of Sixth Form


Business Studies

Mr L Brown

Assistant Headteacher


Miss L Frater

Assistant Headteacher

Business Studies


Mr M Hickling

Assistant Headteacher

Head of DT, Engineering and FAD







Mrs S Alsop

Year 11 Strategy Coordinator

Literacy and Language Lead


Mr S Arnold


Mr R Barnett


Mr J Barton


Mrs M Birch

Head of Art


Mr A Burnham

Deputy Head of Mathematics

Head of Year 12


Ms C Chandler


Mr D Clarke

Head of Year 7


Miss R Cocks-Rye

French, German

Miss N Convery


Mrs B Costello

Head of Biology

Head of PSHE


General Science

Mrs K Dadd


Business Studies

Miss P Dambowy



Mrs K Davis


Mr C Deane

Head of Computing


Mr J Gaffin

Head of Modern Foreign Languages



Mr V Garg

ICDL Lead Coordinator


Mrs G Gokceogu Murphy

Trainee Teacher

Art and Design

Mr M Gregory

Head of House - Wheeler


Mr P Grove



Mr D Hallett

Head of Economics


Mr S Haynes


Miss S Healey


Mrs S Hewitt

Teaching School Hub Deputy Director


Mrs A Holman

Maths Excellence Coordinator


Mrs E Holt

 ECT and Induction Tutor


Mr R Holt


Mr C Jolly

Head of History and Politics



Miss A Kiri


Mr S Littler

Head of Chemistry


Mrs H Livingstone


Miss B Mason

Head of Citizenship


Mr S Mayer-Maguire

ITT Professional Mentor



Mr J Merrigan

Head of House - Simpson


Mr L Mitchell


Ms S Mocanu

Performing Arts Coordinator


Mr T Orford

Head of PE


Miss K Parkin

Head of Psychology

Science of Learning Coordinator



Miss K Penrose

Trainee Teacher



Miss J Perrett



Mrs N Phelan

Assistant Head of Mathematics

Head of Year 9


Mrs J Quartly-Watson

Head of Religious Studies

Head of House - Kent

Religion Philosophy and Ethics

Mrs C Royle

Head of Geography

Head of Year 8


Mr A Sellers

Head of House - Tait


Mr R Smart

Trainee Teacher


Mr A Smith


Mr C Stokes

Head of Business and Finance

Mathematical Studies Subject Lead

Head of Year 10

Business Studies

Finance Studies

Miss A Storey

Classical Civilisation Subject Lead

Head of Year 11


Classical Civilisation

Mrs M Strangleman

 Swanswell Language Hub Lead



Mr T Swinford

Deputy Head of English


Mrs S Thompson

Head of English


Mr P Tweedale

Head of Physics

Science Faculty Coordinator


Mrs J Vaghela


Mrs R Wall

Pupil Premium Champion



Dr S Wallis

Head of Extended Project

Head of Year 13

Religious Studies

Mrs Z Watson


Mr J Watson-Tate

Extracurricular Music Lead


Mrs A Webster

Deputy Head of MFL



Mr M Webster



Mrs E Welch

Academic Music Lead


Ms R Wheeler

Teaching School Hub Director


Mr R Wood

Head of Mathematics

Head of House - Caldecott


Mrs S Wright

Head of Transition


Mr M Zeronian-Dalley


Classical Civilisation

Religious Studies

Lawrence Sheriff School SUPPORT Staff LisT


Mrs L Batchelor

Personal Assistant to the Headteacher

Mrs G Beardshaw

Personal Assistant to the Senior Leadership Team/Governance Professional 

Mrs M Beaton

Exams Officer

Mrs C Blay

Teaching School Hub Senior Administration Assistant 

Mr M Booth

Senior Caretaker

Miss S Booth

Well-being Mentor

Ms L Bright

Data and Reporting Manager and Exams Assistant

Mrs R Brown

Personnel Administrator

Mrs A Carr

Head of Well-being
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss J Chater

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Chebbout

SEN Teaching Assistant

Dr R Costello

Director of IT Services

Mrs L Dew

DofE Manager and Enrichment Coordinator

Ms D Dodd

IT Learning Technician 

Mrs G Fatania

Sixth Form Centre Assistant

Ms R Fox

Lead Well-being Mentor
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss C Gardner

Personnel Administrator

Mrs L George

Science Technician

Mr P Grove

Cover Supervisor

Mrs L Harris

Operations Manager

Mrs D Hill

Sixth Form Centre Manager

Mrs N Hunt

Teaching School Hub Administrator

Mrs H Hutchins-Morant

Teaching School Hub Administrator

Mr P Johnston

Science Technician  

Mrs L Macdonnell

Food Technology Technician

Mr S Mahoney

Workshop Technician

Mrs N Mistry

Senior Finance Officer

Mrs C Morgan

Administrative Office Manager

Mrs M Morgan

Personnel Officer

Mrs S Niruban

Reprographics assistant

Mrs L Orford

School Administrator

Mrs C Ponchaux

SEN Teaching Assistant

Miss C Reilly

Cover Supervisor/ Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

Mrs C Reynolds

Assistant Finance Officer

Mrs C Rourke

Receptionist/School Administrator

Mrs L Skerratt

Director of Finance

Mr A Slaughter

IT Technician

Mrs J Slaughter

Attendance Manager

Mr G Stalmach

Assistant Caretaker

Mr N Stuart-Robbins

Cover Manager
Cover Supervisor

Mrs S Torrens


Mrs B Valand

Personnel Administrator

Mrs A Warde

Head of Careers  

Mrs S Wu

TSH, Finance and MFL Hub Administrator





  • Hits: 91077

Teaching School Hubs Press Release

TSH1 LSS website


Lawrence Sheriff School selected to take a leading role in the development of teaching and learning across Coventry and Warwickshire.

Lawrence Sheriff is one the 81 schools in England selected to be designated as a new teaching school hub.

The department of education has created 81 hubs across the country to provide high-quality professional development to teachers and leaders at all stages of their career and to play a key role in teacher training.

Each hub, all of which will be operational from this September, will have its own defined geographical patch, serving around 250 schools each.

Retired Headteacher Dr Peter Kent commented: ‘we are delighted to be able to continue our work in this area, which began when we were designated as one of the country’s first teaching schools in 2012. We look forward to working with colleagues across all phases and sectors of education to address the challenges and opportunities of the coming years.


More information on Teaching School Hubs is available on : Teaching school hubs - GOV.UK (

More information on the Early Career Framework reforms is available on gov.ukEarly career framework reforms: overview - GOV.UK (

More information on the National Professional Qualifications reforms is available on gov.ukNational professional qualifications (NPQs) reforms - GOV.UK (

  • Hits: 6797