The Library
Librarian - Ms Torrens
The Librarian can be contacted by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Opening Times:
Monday-Friday 8.30am-4.20pm
Closed either P3 or P5 daily – please check the main door for information
Students may borrow books during break and lunch. You may also do so before and after school, excepting in very busy periods.
Drop-In Centre:

The library’s computer suite (the Drop-In Centre) is available during timetabled periods for sixth form use unless it has been booked by a member of staff.
It does not open at break, early and late lunch (12:05-13:25pm), or before and after school, and closes for the day at 3.10pm.
Note that it also may be closed during P3 or P5 – please check the main doors for information on the day.
Note that workstations are monitored in this area, and students must adhere to LSS acceptable computer use policy whilst in the room.
All students are members of the library and can take out up to 3 books at any one time, for a period of 3 weeks. Sixth form students can borrow up to 6 for 6 weeks.
Please note that overdue books should be returned to the library as soon as possible.
The deadline for Overdue books - Reminders will be sent out every half-term. With regret, due to the large number of books being lost as a result of not being returned, parents will be invoiced for the cost of replacing any books not received by this date.
This is especially relevant to students leaving LSS.
Fines, which were suspended during lockdown, are once again being implemented at the rate of 5p per book per day. If you are unable to come to the library when your book is nearing its due date, you may email the librarian to request an extension. However, it is always better to be organised and plan ahead.
Thank you,
Miss Torrens (Librarian).
Library Resources:
The Library stocks a wide range of periodicals and monthly subject reviews for student use. These are reference only and may not be borrowed. The Library photocopier is available for students who wish to copy articles. Please ask the Librarian for assistance if necessary.
Student Librarians
Students are encouraged to have an active role and input into the Library and in our team there are student librarians representing most year groups.
If you are interested in becoming a student librarian, please contact Ms Torrens for information on how to do so.
To join the team you must be in Y8 or above.
The Student Librarians play a very important role in the day-to-day upkeep of the library and our new recruits will be joining a team that works very hard to ensure that such a huge volume of books, magazines and articles is cared for well.

Please remember that the Library is there for the use of all students and act in accordance with LSS behavioural policy. Anyone found disturbing other students, especially during exam season, will be removed from the library. Students should keep noise to a minimum, be seated at a table, and return books to shelves after each visit. No food, drink, or use of electronic gadgets is permitted in the library during school hours.

Please note that the LSS behavioural policies, including that of computer use, apply in the Library. To that end, students are not permitted to bring in food, drink, or mobile phones. Normal sanctions will apply to individuals who do not adhere to these conditions.

Please monitor this section for information on forthcoming events.
The Library Newsletter is returning under the same name, but a different editor!
We hope to get this newsletter out to students and Parents each term. For those who are new to our library newsletter, throughout each issue we will show you the current happenings within the library, as well as any events you - the students - can participate in! We will also be accepting articles from the students, about whatever you find interesting and whatever you think other students will find interesting! If you feel like emailing us an article, feel free to do so!
Email Ms Torrens if you would like to send in an article!
The next issue of the library newsletter is due in December 2023. A link will be placed on the website at this time.
Previous editions may be found on the Library google site.