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Sixth Form

16-19 Bursary Fund


The 16-19 Bursary Fund was introduced by the government to support young people aged 16-19 in full time education who face financial constraints to participation, such as the costs of transport, books and equipment.  The School has been allocated a fixed amount of money to administer as the 16-19 Bursary Fund for the academic year 2023-2024.

There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • Discretionary bursary awards which can be made to students who face financial barriers to participation in education. Requests for assistance are individually assessed by the School and awarded on an individual basis.
  • A vulnerable bursary of up to £1200 a year for young people in the following defined vulnerable groups:
    • Students in care
    • Students who are care leavers
    • Students in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit, in their own right
    • Students in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right


Discretionary Bursary

Students who wish to apply for the discretionary bursary will need to complete an application form detailing the financial costs where assistance is required. Examples of costs where participation help may be provided are:

  • Transport
  • Books and equipment
  • Clothing to meet the sixth form dress code
  • Field trips and other A level course related costs
  • Cost of attending university interviews and open days
  • School meals
  • Exam fees if applicable

Documentation may also be required to provide evidence of financial circumstances. Applications and supporting evidence will be treated confidentially.

Vulnerable Bursary

Students in the defined vulnerable groups will need to provide appropriate written evidence of their circumstances and complete an application form.

Application forms are available throughout the academic year from Mr Bedgood, Head of Sixth Form. 
N.B. Any significant change in financial circumstances will be considered at any time during the school year, following written notification of the change.

Assessment Criteria and Payments

Each application is assessed confidentially by senior members of staff.

For the discretionary bursary, consideration is given to all circumstances with regard to the amounts requested and payments are based on assisting with the actual costs involved.

Allocations will be made by bank transfer to the student’s bank account as either a single payment or payments spread over the school terms.

Conditions to be met by students

Receipt of a bursary is conditional on the student meeting the following standards:

  • Continuation with studies until the end of the academic year
  • Adherence to the Sixth Form Agreement regarding attendance, behaviour and deadlines. This document is signed by all students as they are enrolled in Year 12
  • Receipts to be provided where applicable

 These conditions will be reviewed termly and failure to meet the agreed standards could results in a reduction or cancellation of payments.

Further information

Further information can be obtained on

Students who may be eligible for The Bursary Fund should collect an application form from Mr Bedgood, Head of Sixth Form.